International Passports Recording Bureau.

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Welcome to the International Passports Recording Bureau web site - where you can search our online database. We have over 1.5 Billion Passports currently on file, absolutely FREE!

Under the recent International Passport Act (IPA - enacted on Nov 2, 2003), every country in the world is required to make available to the public a digitized copy of each and every valid passport issued, in their respective country.

We managed to sign a mutual agreement with INPB, to create the world's only centralized database of Passports, on the more than 6 Billion Passports, in the World. We are still updating our database, and if you donot find your passport information here, comeback after a couple of days.

"Thank you, for providing such a great tool. I can now trace my Employees who join other companies, by breaching our contracts. It helped me trace several employees, and take lawful action against them".
B. Shah, New york

"This site is incredible! Thanks to your Passport searching feature, I was able to look up the Passport of an relative I haven't seen in ages. Her address changed over the years, but I had reason to believe she still lived in Germany. I did a search on your web site for her name, and since she has a fairly common name, I found several Passport listing for her name. Since I know what she looks like, I was able to match up her name with her Passport photo, to get her most recent address listed on her Passport. Thank you so much!! "
Mr.Schweb Faux Duess

"Waow, c'est fou. je dois reconnaître que j'ai pris beaucoup de plaisir à venir sur ce site effectuer des recherches sur les photos de passeport de mes amis. Je me prends toujours des crises de fou rire à chaque fois que je vois la tronche de mes potes sur leurs documents administratifs.".
Cécile Dumez, France
passports in database : 1,634,445,722

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